Command Authority with Just Your Words

Building authority as a project leader with your words only. This article shares 3 techniques.

When it comes to respect and authority, I can say with confidence you’re only using a fraction of the influence … Click to read article …

5 Bad Habits Every Responsible Project Manager Should Avoid

“I never know if I’m doing it right or wrong.” I hear this a lot from people in my project … Click to read article …

Clothes Make the Man (This Also Goes for Women)

Going back through history, this quote, “Vestis virum facit, Clothes make the man,” (Erasmus, Adagia 3.1.60) and “The apparel oft … Click to read article …

Noticing and avoiding the Abilene Paradox

The Abilene Paradox

The Abilene Paradox is a management theory introduced in 1974 by Jerry B. Harvey, Ph.D. He writes a story about … Click to read article …

How you can show leadership when you are not in an actual leadership position

Many Project Managers find themselves in a project holding the title “Project Manager,” but these people are not in charge … Click to read article …

How to deal with a weak co-PM [personal story]

What to do with a weak co-project manager

In many projects, especially those with external clients, you are usually working in tandem with a co-Project Manager on the … Click to read article …